Modular Building Schools

Modular Building Schools | Kirkuk, Kurdistan Iracheno | 2013



Project data

date: 2013
client: Kirkuk Governorate
general contractor: Heller s.p.a.
object: Modular Building Schools – Industrialized Construction Tecnology 18 – 27 Units
location: Kirkuk, Kurdistan Iracheno
size data: Covered surface: 1.830 sq.m.; Gross surface: 4.865 sq.m.; Classroom: n° 27; Laboratory: n° 6
services: Preliminary, definitive project and working design
project stage: Realization phase

The project has been conceived in the form of independent functional units, capable of aggregation and realization of school complexes, Primary, Secondary and possibly Superior schools made up of 9,12,18, 27 …. units. The proposed solution foresees the construction of a school complex composed of 18 and 27 school units divided into the Primary and Secondary school, which can be subject to the modulations of various types.

While drawing up the project the functional and performance requirements expressed by the Customer have been met, trying to better and further on implement performance characteristics according to the designing objectives proposed in order to create a complex and well-structured unit which could represent a symbol of excellence as far as architectural and organizational, managerial, performance and economic aspects are concerned, according to the following characteristics:

  • General Compact and Modular Structure;
  • A building typology easily repeated in different geographical sites;
  • Clear individuation of the single departments;
  • Fluent connection between areas, in the respect of the separate security levels;
  • Respect of the international standards for the design of schools, workplaces, sport facilities and public service areas;
  • High architectonic and representational value;
  • High aesthetic value and comfort of the living space
  • High energy efficiency

Qualitative elements of the project

  • The image of the building as an “icon”
  • Compositional quality of the entire complex
  • Contextualization: every Modular Building School for its own region
  • Modularity , flexibility and growth
  • Industrialized construction system
  • Employment of innovatory components – a kit of components
  • Natural lighting and climate control
  • Energetic sustainability
  • Costs control and realization time