Cycle-pedestrian overbridge
Cycle-pedestrian overbridge | Abbadia Lariana | 2003
data project
date: 2013
client: Municipality of Abbadia Lariana (LC)
object: Cycle-pedestrian overbridge to be realized along the State Road No.36
size data:
Stretch Abbadia L.-Pradello: length 3.334mt, width 4,40mt
Stretch Pradello-Lecco: length 2.049mt, width 3,00mt
Total: 5.383 mt
project stage: Preliminary, definitive, executive project
The new overbridge is located between the actual State Road No. 36 and the Lake. A part of it directly rests on the ground, while the biggest part is raised in order to remain higher than the Lake levels in case of floods, occurring almost every hundred years. A reinforced concrete slab has been designed for the parts resting on the ground, while a projecting structure has been necessary for other parts. Said structure finds its supports on the already existing vertical supporting structures of the State Road No. 36. The physical and visual lightness is the project guiding principle, in which also the material selection is oriented towards the respect of the place main values: calcareous rock, colour-controlled paving plans, metal structures and screens to provide the utmost visual transparency.